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tate removal and held in place by a bandage. The first dressing is left in place for forty-eight hours. Inextensive superficial burns of the first or second degree do well with a coating of the tincture of chloride of iron, leaving the part exposed in a warm room and without a covering. In severe shock, the patient is at once placed in a continuous hot saline bath, 90° — 110° F., and the clothing is removed only under water. This precaution is very important. The bath should be continued and re- peated if necessary until the shock has completely and permanently passed off. Plenty of fluids are given and medicinal stimulation is administered where necessary. The first dressing plays an important part in the prevention of sepsis. The skin surrounding the burned area should be washed twice daily with al- cohol. All blebs are carefully and frequently pricked and the crusted areas incised and elevated to secure adequate drainage. In the minor cases the open air treatment seems most desirable. The tincture of chloride of iron is sopped on the burned area and repeated every hour until a protective layer is formed, and later is applied only occasion- ally. At first this is slightly painful but subsequent applications are painless. No dressing is necessary but a light bandage may be applied for protection. After a few days, warm saline solution is applied to small portions of the crusted area, and after forty-eight hours the crust is removed, leaving a clean, raw, granulating surface. In severer cases, second degree, a one per cent, solution of picric acid serves well. The first dressing is left on for forty-eight hours. The tendency to the formation of contractures can be considerably diminished by three measures. First and most Best Place To Order Cialis Online important is the prevention of sep- sis ; second, the early and continuous application of properly moulded plaster of Paris casts before granulation begins ; third, the early use of active and passive motion and massage. The symptoms of the complications are due to toxemia resulting from the absorption from the burned area and readily respond to dram doses of sodium bicarbonate three or four times daily, in addition Best Place To Order Cialis Online to the forcing of fluids. For severe third degree burns the paraffin treatinent is indicated. There are various paraffin preparations on the market, all resembling the original ambrine intro- duced by Dr. Barth de Sandtford, of Paris. The method of application is as follows : The burned area is gently cleaned, removing the dead skin and discharges and the blebs are pricked near their bases but the cover is not removed. The surround- ing skin is thoroughly cleaned with alcohol, and the part is allowed to dry. Drying may be hastened by a warm air blower, by gauze overlaying, or by fanning. The paraffin is irielted in a hot water bath, and is then painted quickly and gently with a one and one half inch camel's hair brush over the burn and Best Place To Order Cialis Online for about two inches over the surroimding healthy skin. The paraffin dries quickly in a thin, smooth film. A very thin layer of cotton slightly larger than the burn is laid over the paraffin film, and a second layer of paraffin is painted quickly over all. Near joints a splint is applied to im- mobilize and prevent the film from cracking. A bandage is then applied. This dressing is at first changed every day, but later as the secretion de- creases, every other day. The advantages of this dressing are : it is painless ; it is easy to apply and remove ; it does not favor infection ; more rapid 454 OUR READERS' I'RIZE DISCUSSIONS. [Nsw YOKK Medical Best Place To Order Cialis Online JouaN.^ Best Place To Order Cialis Online liealing results; it leaves a smooth, soft, pliable scar; to the patient Best Place To Order Cialis Online it is a great comfort. Dr. Louis Frischman, of Yonkcrs, contributes: l'2xtensive burns may be divided into three stages : 1, the stage of shock; 2, the sloughing stage ; 3, the stage of cicatrization. The first consideration in the treatment is shock. A hypodermic injection of 0.25 to 0.5 grain morphine will act favorably on the condition of shock in that it relieves the pain and keeps the patient quiet. If the shock is pro- found, adrenalin may be administered intravenous- ly, and saline by hypodermoclysis or proctoclysis, in local treatment all vesicles are punctured. If a very large portion of the body is affected, the con- tinuous saline bath is in order. It prevents sepsis, keeps away the air and alleviates the agony of the jjatient. The paraffin method of treating burns was introduced by De Sandtford in a preparation he calls ambrine. The results achieved by this method of burn therapy have entirely justified the tremendous reputation it has achieved. The treatment consists in irrigating the burned surface with sterile water, drying, and either painting or spraying the surface with ambrine. Then the surface is covered with a thin layer of wool and a second ap])lication of the paratifin is made. The paraffin hardens soon after it is applied; then a layer of wool and bandage is ai)plied. The main advantages of the paraffin method of treating burns may be epitomized as follows: i, burns heal rapidly ; 2, constitutional symptoms are minimized ; 3, pain is lessened ; 4, scarring is re- duced to a minimum ; 5, the necessity for grafting is lessened ; 6, sepsis is rare. The favorable cfifects of this method of treatment may be attributed entirely to mechanical factors. The burn is Best Place To Order Cialis Online mech- anically protected from the air and the immobiliza- tion from the hardening of the wax and protection of granulation tissue are the factors responsible for the success of the treatment. The increased vascularization incident to the application of the warm paraffin undoubtedly facilitates the healing Ijrocess. The epithelium proliferates and the burnt area heals either by granulation or Best Place To Order Cialis Online by extension of