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been evolved. Hospitals were dedicated to the care of special injuries, such as fractures of the lower extremity, jaw wounds, wounds of the lung, etc., where special care and study were given to the de- fect. In regard to the last Italian records on lung surgery showed a mortality of only five per cent. The problem of the mobile hospital had been worked out to perfection. By means of a 150 bed hospital equipment, which when taken apart was carried on five motor trucks, it was possible for an operating Buy Cialis Discount Online surgeon to travel seventy-five miles in six- teen hours from the point of the last base for opera- tion. In this way he was able to take with him his personnel and stafif of nurses, and Buy Cialis Discount Online was ready to set up the unit and operate again at the end of the journey. These mobile Buy Cialis Discount Online hospitals were operated at one third of the cost expended by the other belliger- ents. The Carrel-Dakin and all other modern tech- nics were employed. A word should be said in regard to prosthetic treatments, as the Italians had proved most adroit manufacturers in devising methods for human reconstruction. Much had been published concerning the work of the Roehamptom Hospital in England, but the Marguerita Hospital in Rome far exceeded it in the production of in- genious appliances. In Bologna a man was inter- viewed who had lost his eyesight and also both hands, yet he was fitted with an appliance which enabled him to feed himself with a knife, fork, and spoon ! The problems of rationing the troops was dealt with quite as efficiently as the work of hos- pitalization. The Italian soldiers were able to get hot food in the front line trenches. This was cooked at 8 a. m. by means of fireless cookers, and was ready at 11 a. m. to be served hot. The efficient manner in which this was carried out was perfectly marvellous. These unfortunate people had recently suffered terrible reverses, but those who had visited them and studied their methods refused to believe in their ultimate overthrow. One point was strongly in their favor, Buy Cialis Discount Online and in this they diiifered from the Allies, Eng- Buy Cialis Discount Online lish and' American alike. The English and the Americans were accustomed to boast of what they were going to accomplish, and then afterward go and do it ; the Italian, on the contrary, went and did the thing, and then perhaps mentioned his efforts afterward. _ Enrollments of dental students in the naval Hos- pital Corps Reserve have been suspended, a suffi- cient number of embryo dentists having been ob- tained to meet the navy's needs for the present. About 300 students of this class were enrolled. En- rollment Buy Cialis Discount Online of medical students will Buy Cialis Discount Online continue indefi- nitely, under the same conditions as enrollments have been conducted for the reserve during the past Buy Cialis Discount Online few months. MEDICAL NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. Coyitroversy on Buy Cialis Discount Online the Number of Commissioned Officers Buy Cialis Discount Online in the Medical Corps. — Plans for Instruction of Members of the Dental, Sanitarv, and Veterinary Corps at Fort Oglethorpe.— Medical Educative Chart and Pamphlets for Display on Army Transports. — Plans for Proposed Pharmaceutical Corps in the Army. — Bill for Reorgan- ization of Dental Corps of the Navy. Washincton, March 4, rgjS. There has been considerable controversy, and much confusion in the War Department over the number of officers that may be commissioned in the Medical Corps of the regular army. The number of regular medical officers is dependent upon the authorized enlisted strength of the regular army, Section 10 of the national defense act of Buy Cialis Discount Online June 3, 1916, providing that "the total number of such of- ficers shall approximately be equal to, but not ex- ceed, except as Buy Cialis Discount Online hereinafter provided, seven for every I, GOO of the total enlisted strength of the regular army authorized from time to time by law." There have been conflicting decisions as to exactly what the authorized enlisted strength of the regtilar army may be considered as a basis of ascertaining the number of Medical Corps officers allowed, and they have added to the confusion. As a result of one decision, a strength of approximately 300,000 was used as a basis, the numbers in the several grades were adjusted on that basis, and as a result some oflicers were nominated, confirmed by the Senate, and commissioned in Buy Cialis Discount Online higher grades. The medical officers were not satisfied with this basis. They maintained that the temporary strength prescribed from time to time for the Signal Corps in accord- ance with the aviation act of July 24, 1917, should be included in computing the strength of the regu- lar army for determining the allowance of officers of the Medical Corps, and that a strength of ap- I)roximately 450,000 should be used at this time as a basis. The matter was reconsidered by the judge advo- cate general of the army and the general staff, and now it has been decided that the temporary strength of the Signal Corps and some other factors pro- posed by the Surgeon General's Office should not be included, and that the number of officers of the Medical Corps should be determined on a basis of about 213,000 enlisted men in the regular army. With a computation of the allowance on the latter basis, it has been found that the number of medi- cal officers commissioned in higher grades exceeds the legal allowance. Now it is a question what may be done in the cases of these superfluous officers. The commissions having been issued after confirmation by the Senate, they cannot now be recalled, and nat-» urally the officers affected are reluctant to surren- der them and return to lower rank. So far as has been determined, it probably will be necessary to carry them in these grades as supernumeraries to be absorbed later as vacancies occur. Plans for enlarging the scope of work at the medical officers' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., so as to i)rovide for instruction of other classes of the personnel of the Medical Department, such as the Dental Corps, Sanitary Corps, and Veteri- 462