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ends of the bones. In cases with very extensive damage, especially with infection, amputation should be (lone. Treatment of Movable Bodies in the Knee by Buy Cialis Online Cheapest Arthrotomy and Immediate Locomotion. — Wil- It-nis and De Caestecker {P)-cssc incdicalc. Decem- ber 17, 1917), in five cases of movable bodies in the knee joint, removed these bodies by operation, then allowed the patient immediately to walk about. Such a procedure had already been advocated be- fore the war by Willems in joints evacuated by puncture, and since applied also in a series of men with missiles lodged in the joint or even with intra- articular fractures of the knee, excellent results fol- lowing. In the presence of movable bodies the autliors make an internal or external incision in the joint, according to the situation of the movable body. The latter having been removed, the incision is closed in three layers, synovial membrane, capsule, and skin. Only a small, loose dressing is applied, to obviate restriction of joint movements. As soon as the patient wakens from the anesthesia, active mobilization is commenced, the Buy Cialis Online Cheapest patient being re- quired to raise the extended limb and perform a se- ries of llexor and extensor movements, in as Buy Cialis Online Cheapest wide a range as4)ossible. The same exercise is continued almost without interruption. Next day. and some- times even on the same day, the movements in beds are replaced by walking without any support. The patient is at first fearsome and hesitates to flex the knee in walking, but soon becomes convinced that he can walk with but little pain, bears more weight on the limb, and gradually flexes it. In a few days, normal locomotion is restored. The quality of the recovery is also much improved, mobility of the joint returning completely and remaining so. 'The muscles throughout show no trace of atrophy, and the functional result is so good that several of the cases reported have returned to ser\'ice in the trenches. Ductless Gland Therapy in Gynecology and Obstetrics. — Samuel Wyllis Bandler (Interna- liunal Joitinal of Surr/cry, Buy Cialis Online Cheapest January, 1918) regards liyposecretion of the thyroid as the condition most readily overcome by the Buy Cialis Online Cheapest administration of the proper gland extract. For avoiding or diminishing flashes ovarian extract and corpus luteum are of great value. There are some cases, probably pluri- glandular in origin, which are not benefited by this method of treatment. If ttie ovary is underactive and the primary condition rests there we get an excellent result Buy Cialis Online Cheapest by the administration of corpus luteum or, particularly, ovarian extract. Relative amenorrhea or late development of menstruation in young girls is benefited by the administration of thyroid extract and pituitrin combined with ovarine or corpus luteum. Cases of diminished menstrua- tion and sterility are best treated by the adminis- tration of ovarian extract, thyroid extract, and pituitrin, five minims three times weekly, by hypo- pituitary gland extract. They should also re- ceive corpus lutcuin extract and pituitrin, five minims Buy Cialis Online Cheapest three times weekly, Buy Cialis Online Cheapest by hypodermic. In conditions marked by asthenia adrenalin hypo- dermically and especially the suprarenal extract by mouth, administered with the whole gland of the pituitary, for weeks and months, wil) ' often bring about good results. For uterine bleeding not due to the presence of a new growth in the uterus nor to overgrowth of the en- clometrium, mammary gland extract and thymus extract are excellent. Little can be expected of mammary gland extract given in large doses for fibroids of the uterus. Antigenic Properties of Different Strains of Ba- cillus Typhosus. — Sanford B. Hooker (Journal of Ivunnnoloi^y, December, 1916) demonstrated con- sistent antigenic dift'erences among some strains of Bacillus typhosus. From the results of his work he advises using a balanced polyvalent typhoid vaccine for immunizing and therapeutic purposes. Experi- mental work does not justify the prevailing practice of using ? single old strain for prophylactic immu- < nization , ■ // 47-' .UODHKX TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. [New YokK Medical Jouehal. Mental War Cripples. — George H. Savage (PractUioner, January, lyiSj is of the opinion thai Buy Cialis Online Cheapest A very large number of soldiers and sailors will, after the war, be found more or less crippled, that is, unfit to perform their normal and accus- tomed duties, and that they will need special treat- ment and in some cases will have to learn fresii work. I'^or such patients, physical or mental crijj pies, he believes that colonies in the country will be found to be the most beneficial. It will have to be considered whether such colonies should be special or general. His own opinion is that for epileptics the colony should be special, but that for other nerve disorders a union with other sufferers might be found useful, as drawing the patient away from his subjective state to Buy Cialis Online Cheapest one of more activ objective sympathy. Treatment of Epithelioma of the Lower Lip by Radium. — Kussell IJ. lioggs {Urologic and CutaiieoHs Review, Feljruary, 1918) prefers to treat these conditions with radium rather than by sur- gical methods. The objection to the surgical re- moval is the frequent recurrence in the scar because the operation on the glands cannot be complete an without producing deformity Buy Cialis Online Cheapest and contrattion ,ind healing with very little scar formation. Comparative Efficiency of Local Anesthetics. — 'I'orald Solhnanii [Journal A. M. A., January 2(\