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tatoes, sliced peaches. Tuesday, May j. Weather, cloudy. Breakfast : Cream of wheat, fried liver and bacon. Dinner. Weather, cloudy. \'egetable soup, meat balls, boiled potatoes, spinach, custard. Supper. Weather, cloudy. Baked hash, dried peaches. JVediicsday, May 4. Weather, fair. Breakfast : Oatmeal, eggs, Dinner. Weather, fair. Bouillon, roast beef, Ijoiled potatoes, stewed peas, pudding. Supper. Weather, fair. Cold boiled ham, creamed potatoes. Thursday, May 5. Weather, fair. Breakfast: Cream of wheat, scrambled eggs, ba- con. Dinner. Weather, Buy Cialis Through Paypal fair. \'egetable soup, pork (loin), brow^ned potatoes. Supper. Weather, fair. Cold roast beef, baked potatoes, stewed prunes. Friday. May 6. Weather, fair. Breakfast : " Ralston's, eggs, graham muffins. Dinner. Weather, fair. X'egetable soup, mashed potatoes, baked fish, Buy Cialis Through Paypal apple dumpling, pickles. "Several dietary studies liavc been made at the Sanatorium of tlie Jewish Consumrtive's Buy Cialis Through Paypal Relief Society (capacity no beds), at Edge- water, Colo., which will be tabulated and published in due time. Dr. John E. White, superintendent of the Sanatorium of the Mod- ern Woodmen of America (capacity 180 beds), located near Colo- rado Springs, has cheerfully consented to make a dietary study. I hope to obtain permission from the authorities of other institu- tions to study the dietaries. Supper. Weather, fair. Chipped beef in cream niaccaroni and cheese, Buy Cialis Through Paypal stewed rhubarb. Saturday, May 7. Weather, fair. Breakfast: Cream of wheat, poached eggs Buy Cialis Through Paypal 01' toast. Dinner. Weather, fair. Vegetable soup, roas beef, boiled potatoes, pork and beans, rice pudding Supper. VV'eather, rain. Cold sliced beef, friet potatoes, baked apples. Sunday, May 8. Weather, fair. Breakfast : Oatmeal, eggs. Dinner. Weather, fair. Vegetable soup, roast lej of lamb, mashed potatoes, gravy brown, sliced cu cumbers, spinach, peach frappe with preserved cher ries. Supper. Weather, fair. Cold sliced tongue, bake^ potatoes, catsup, canned pears. Graham and white bread, hardtack and rusks, but ter and milk are served with each meal. Coffee i served at breakfast, tea and cocoa at supper. Sugar salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar are ever presen on the table. 240-242 Metropolitan Building. THE TREATMENT OF SEPTIC ENDOMETRITl? .\N EFFORT TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF POSTINFL.\MMATORY PEL- VIC ADHESIONS. Bv Hexrv Weil, M. D., Xew York. Of the many factors involved in a case of actiti endometritis whether specific or septic, simple puerperal, there is none so Buy Cialis Through Paypal important as the pelvii exudates that form in the course of the infectioi and so often remain after all active inflammatioi has subsided, to the detriment of the unfortunat' woman's future health. Yet it is a well known fac that under certain favorable conditions particular!; following puerperal sepsis or septic abortion on' observes a freely movable uterus with apparentl normal menstruation and even subsequent preg nancy ; and this in spite of Buy Cialis Through Paypal the fact that during th acute stage the pelvic organs were involved in ai almost solid mass of inflammatory adhesions. On the other hand, these pelvic exudates by n^ means always undergo absorption and disappeai rather to the contrary, for they are present in nearl; every case of pyosalpinx and in fact in every otiu pelvic inflammation that has not undergone spon taneous cure or which has not been subjected ti adequate surgical treatment, so that while .we cb serve more or less exudation in all cases, we not' that under certain conditions they disappear spon taneously under others, following surgical treat ment, and under still others they persist in spite all treatment. Since inflammatory conditidus am their sequehe form so large a percentage of 011 gynecological operations and since these operation are usually of so grave and mutilative a character it is of much importance to determine, if possibK the conditions under which these various states " aft'airs exist with a Buy Cialis Through Paypal view if possible to recognize tin favorable conditions and apply them as far as po^ sible in all cases. IVEIL: SEI'TIC EXDOMETRITIS. 167 Xatuke of Exldates IX General.