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under the bear- ing surface of the heel. This condition d e - mands a heel one to two inches high, ac- cording to the severity of the condition, of live rub- ber or live rubber covered with Buy Generic Cialis Uk a lift of leather. Should there be any pronounced metatarsal symp- toms, this modification Buy Generic Cialis Uk of the shoe will not be Buy Generic Cialis Uk agree- able. In this case the ordinary shoe may be given a thick Buy Generic Cialis Uk piece of felt under the tender heel as a cushion, and a slip in counter to hold the heel snugly. Should the anterior metatarsal arch be weak or tender, with deep or hemorrhagic corns uiion the heel and metatarsal at the same time, a felt insole one half inch thick will give relief, .\gain, all weight may be taken ofl" the tender parts by making depressions in the felt insole. sliado\\ Custom lu.iiU- t toe. tllUUgll the rubber hc( Deformities so prevalent as not to be recognized as such are ingrowing nails, clubbed toes, over- rifling toes (Fig. 1 1 J, inflamed great toe joint, bunions, hallu.x valgus, the result of the pressure of narrow, wedged toed shoes, the ordinkfy shoe, combined with the unphysiological stride and the toeing out of the loot in c,.nsi, In have treatm e n t of phys.oioRicai poiut ..1 v.esv Nnie th.1t the nietatarsa 1 g i a. nccordttiK to the rule. * . Due attention must be paid to cultivating the intrinsic muscles of the foot, the toe flexors, by exercise. Mild to severe bunions, hallux valgus lieformi- lies (Figs. 13 aiul 14"!. and inflamed great toe joint may be treated successfully by making the shoes snug ixisterior to the ball (Meyer) to support the bunion, with a straight inner vamp line to the end of the great toe. Give plenty of room over the distal extremity of the fifth metatarsal and little toe. Encourage the great toe to swing into a straight line with the centre of the heel by culti- vatiiiE; tlie habit of walking with toes straight to the front. The shoe should "break" in line with ASHLEY: SHOES. 437 Buy Generic Cialis Uk for correcting hallux valgus. .\ further impulse to correction and relieving j^ressure of the great toe joints is given by elevating the sole one eighth to jne fourth inch on the inner side, with a low heel, ureventing weight and body thrust upon the an- terior foot. To tliis end a snug waist and stable heel seat are highly desirable in this form of Buy Generic Cialis Uk toot affliction. In the condition of hallux .rig- idus, the physio- logical shoe with a light steel spring in the sole prevents bending upward of the toe, the spring maintain- ing the straight sole. This will