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nal. There could be no such thing as a "criminal class." Doctor Glueck's diagrams showed some of the conditions which led to the downfall of this group of criminals, and these were the same as those of many otiier peojjle not in prison. Criminals did not constitute a class, but each one was an individual problem of personal makeup and of environment and that meant society. The closing years of the eighteenth century saw the birth of ideals of honest)- and fairness in the treatment of the insane. Were tiiese opening years of the twentieth century to see the birtii of the same ideals in the treatment of an- other unfortunate group, the criminals? Dr. William Steinach, of New York, said that there was necessity for a psychiatric clinic at Sing Sing, but there should also be one at the Tombs where the prisoners were first received and from where they were sent to the various prisons and re- formatories of the State. Work of this character would furnish a large body of accurate data from which valuable deductions in criminology and anti- social conduct might be made. The sj>eaker had often wondered, not that there were so many crimi- nals, but why there were not more. The intelligence of children was looked after through compulsory at- tendance at school, but their ethical and emotional side was supposedly developed at home or through ethical and religious agencies. However, in many cases there was no one to look after many children who, especially in the congested districts, were thrown upon the streets at a tender age. .As a con- sequence, these children, having little or no home influence, grew up like weeds, and what emotional training they received was picked up haphazard. It was not to be wondered at that they grew up ethical imbeciles, as it were, and as a result became aiiti- social and even criminal at times. The problem, then, should also be attacked from this standpoint and an effort matle to supply in some way this de- ficient moral and ethical education. Dr. Frank Wade Robertson, of New York, said that it was a matter of historical interest that at the New York State Reformatory, begiiming with the year 1895-181)6, great attention was paid to the study and treatment of the mentally defective. In 1000, when he left Picllcvue and went to Elmira at the request of Can I Buy Cialis Over The Counter In The Uk the board of managers, he made a careful analysis of the population of the reforma- tory. This resulted in the discovery that out of about 1,300 men, seventy were insane; they were subsequentiv transferred to the Matteawan State Hospital, ^luch criticism resulted, the insanity of these men being attributed to their treatment at Elmira, but as a matter of fact careful examination PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES- 429 showed that the insanity had preceded their commit- ment and had undoubtedly been a factor leading to their criminal behavior. As the speaker recalled the figures, ten per cent, of the inmates at Elmira were epileptics, thirty per cent, were mentally de- ficient, and fifty per cent, were physically below par. The question of discipline in prison was very im- portant and had much to do with the development of mental disease. Infractions of discipline oc- curred in proportion to the requirements of dis- cipline; strict rules met more infractions than lax ones. The treatment of criminals would event- ually prove to be a medical problem. Under present conditions, this was not feasible for the head of an institution containing over a thousand inmates could not give individual attention to them. In the Gen- eral Superintendent's Report for 1901, the speaker had suggested for Elmira a division of the popula- tion into groups of 100 or more and the appoint- ment of Can I Buy Cialis Over The Counter In The Uk a psychiatrist in charge of each group that a careful study might be undertaken with a view to securing a better understanding of their mental en- dowments, thus helping the discipline and assisting the men toward a proper conception of their obliga- lions to society. This had not yet Can I Buy Cialis Over The Counter In The Uk been done. Nevertheless the records of the histories of the men who had been discharged or paroled from Elmira showed that only fifteen per cent, were later con- victed of crime ; fully sixty per cent, did not again resort to it. Doctor Glueck, in closing the discussion, said, in answer to Doctor Sachs's query, that he did not believe it was fear of punishment that made the assemblage of 1,500 men so orderly when the lights were suddenly extinguished. Greater fear of pun- ishment must have existed under the old system of government by force, for punishment was not now what it was under the old regime, and yet in the old days pandemonium would have broken loose under such conditions. The men realized the value to themselves of good behavior. The group of men outside the prison might riot under such conditions for there was no reason for them to think they would be judged and condemned for it, but the in- mates of Sing Sing realized more was required of them and they tried to live up to it. The fact that some one had told them he believed there was good in Can I Buy Cialis Over The Counter In The Uk them brought out the good ; they were stimulated to show he was right. The system at Sing Sing had not changed ma- terially under the present warden from the system during the regime of Osborne. This was in spite of the fact that Warden Mayer came to the prison prejudiced against the system by hearsav. The idea of self government had no better friend today than the warden who had seen it practically illustrated. In speaking of some of the apparent etiological fac- tors of crime, the speaker did not intend to convev that the man who had one or more of them was destined to go to prison, or that they were the essen- tials of criminal behavior. They were put on the charts for purposes of study and Can I Buy Cialis Over The Counter In The Uk comparison. A man with dementia praecox might not become a criminal, but it was easy to understand how he might become one, if he had delusional ideas, unices he was protected. There were many more defec- tives outside of prison than in it, and it was largely a question of j)roper protection, home environment,