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The really important point was the detailed gen- eral and specific plan of training treatment which had been found so practical and useful in dealing with such children. Not less important was the necessity of extending some such similar training treatment to many other cerebellar disorders, as Doctor Dana had also urged. Finally, this disorder was by no means so rare as some might think. We should be on the lookout for cerebellar involvement in all irregular types of cerebral jialsics in chidren. Some New Fields in Neurology and Can You Buy Cialis In Canada Psychiatry. — Dr. Thomas W. Salmon, of New York, said that chief among the many causes of the great interest in social problems w^ the shining example set by Can You Buy Cialis In Canada the achievements of preventive medicine. The new determination to understand social problems de- manded of all branches of science, just as preventive medicine Can You Buy Cialis In Canada requisitioned aid Can You Buy Cialis In Canada from many sciences, as- sistance in pointing out means of applying existing knowledge. Psychiatry alone had much to offer toward the clearer understanding of social problems and toward the successful accomplishment of work for social betterment. Psychiatry contributed today to many interests which lay far outside the domain ascribed to that science only a few years ago. Wil- liam McDougall, in his Social Psychology, urged psychologists no longer to be content with the sterile and narrow conception of their science as the science of consciousness, but to assert its claim to be the positive science of mind in all its aspects, or the positive science of Can You Buy Cialis In Canada conduct or behavior. This was true more particularly of psychiatry. There were many specific practical tasks in social hygiene to which the resources of psychiatry were being successfully applied. In addition, it had a most important part to play in the great movements for social betterment now being undertaken with high hopes and with wide popular interest and sup- port. In some of these movements — mental hygiene, provision for the feebleminded, eugenics, the control of inebriety, and the better management of abnormal children — the part of the psychiatrist was that of leadership, not only in research, but in the formula- tion and, to a certain extent, in the execution of policies. No other science provided so direct an approach to the problems waiting to be solved before these movements could succeed. Tn such problems as the treatment of criminals and the prevention of crime, prostitution, and dependency, the part of the psychiatrist was to lead in research and to contribute information and guidance whenever it appeared that mental factors exercised important influences. It was above all things essential that the psychiatrist should not have the phases Can You Buy Cialis In Canada of these problems, upon which he was to work, arbitrarily assigned to him by others. It was necessary for him to obtain a view of the whole problem and to make for himself the decision as to which factors could best be under- stood as a result of psychiatrical study, or' could best be managed by the methods of dealing with conduct disorders which ps\chiatr_\ had developed during long experience with mental disease and other abnormal states. These social tasks could not be evaded by psy- chiatry. Indeed, there seemed to be no tendency on the part of psychiatry to evade them ; but willingness to aid was not enough. Men must be available, men with sound scientific training, energy, tact, vision, idealism, courage, and resourcefulness. The task of such men was to extend the frontiers of their sci- ence. There were now too few workers to meet the demand. The same was true a few years ago in public health work, but public health courses were now being formed in the medical schools and there was now a steady flow of young men being trained tor useful work in this field. The same must be done to secure men for the social work of psy- chiatry. Dr. Edward D. Fisher, of New York, declared that the opinions expressed in Doctor Salmon's paper tallied with his own experience of twenty-five years. In his early days, the principal point often brought up for consideration was the necessity for advance in the understanding by the public and med ical profession Can You Buy Cialis In Canada of mental disease. This had begun before, but the realization of the necessity had cul- minated in the last twenty-five years, of the proper relationship between ordinary disease and mental disease. Physicians relegated to the care of the insane were often observers without any funda- mental knowledge of organic disease and the patients were treated symptomatically. The great advances made in the study of diseases having a bearing on the causation of insanity had had their effect. The treatment of syphilis, the requirements made of phy- sicians in hospitals to study pathology and bacteriol- ogy, to acquire some intelligent knowledge of the causation of disease, had done much to place psy- chiatry on a different basis than previously. The public had been taught to look upon insanity as a disease, capable of improvement, capable of cure and again sometimes incurable, just as some diseases of other organs were incurable or the reverse. This knowledge of insanity by the public and by the courts was being manifested by bringing these cases before an experienced psychiatrist and trying to differentiate the criminal from the insane. Dr. I. Strauss, of New York, said that he Ijelieved that the association of psychiatry with criminality was a step in the right direction, but he did not believe that segregation or the study and investigation of criminality was a solution of the ])roblem of insanity. There was something deeper in Can You Buy Cialis In Canada the present social system that required investigation. A study of poverty might show Can You Buy Cialis In Canada it to have something to do with the de- velopment of mental disease in the so called criminal class. It was well to educate the people to believe that insanity was a disease, but it was more impor- tant to teach the people that environment in child- !iood, starvation, and unhealthy surroundings, psy- chically as well as physically, had much to do with the development of abnormal states, and prevention of that kind was more important than segregation of the adult abnormal. Professor Woodworth. of the Department of 4/8