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the mixture. Neiwes resist the latter much better than vessels. Over normal muscles the mixture forms only a species of varnish ; but contused muscle tissue becomes impregnated with the mixture almost all the way through. Stress is laid on a detachment of normally adherent tissues in the vicinity of frac- tures or beneath the skin. Without the use of the fixing and coloring solution such detaclmients are passed by unobserved, and lead to failure of an at- tempt at primary wound closure. With it, they are at once detected. The mixture gives a rnuch better idea of the exact tissues requiring excision and of the tissues which can be conserved. Le Grand's latest series of attempts Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia at primary suture number 179 cases, with only ten failures, or 5.54 per cent. The wounds of the soft tissues numbered 112, with only 2.4 per cent, of failures. Six joint wounds without fracture were primarily sutured with uni- form success. There were also twelve joint cases with fracture, again with uniform success. Of forty-nine fractures primarily sutured, all but seven, or 14.3 per cent., were successful ; all the unsuccess- ful cases later recovered. Indications for Operative Interference in Pre- eclamptic Toxemia.— W. G. Dice (American .foiinial i>f Obstetrics, January, Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia 1918) states that in the majority of cases where the average blood pressure has been 120 to 130 millimetres Hg, dan- gerous toxemia is indicated if the pressure rises to 150. In [rving's statistics, among cases with a blood jjressure of 150 to 160, in one out of three toxemia developed, while with a pressure exceed- ing 180. all became toxic. High pressure alone is a 'more frequent early -sign of toxemia Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia than al- buminuria alone, and the pressure is not propor- tional to the amount of albumin. When a patient's blood pressure has gradually risen from 150 to 170. in spite of proper diet, rest, and eliminative treat- ment, and one or more other toxic symptoms co- exist, the time for expectancy is ended, whether the amount of albumin is Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia large or not. A fluctuating, high blood pressure in toxemia is also of serious im- port, indicating marked derangement of the cardio- vascular mechanism. Dice believes few men doing obstetrical work fully appreciate the importance of the eye symptoms, either from the standpoint of the ])aticnt's future vision or as an index of the degree of toxemia. The first objective sign is a haziness of the fine detail of the fundus, the edema of a be- ginning retinitis, and the uterus should be emptied before the initial stage is Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia past. Rest, diet, and active elimination may possibly cause improvement of the eye, but when once the latter is involved, only careful daily observation of the case in a hos- pital can justify delay, and then only when all other symptoms improve and the eye condition does not extend. While no single symptom warrants inter- ruption of pregnancy, two or more, proj-jerly in- terpreted, will usually enable one to act wisely. Some have emphasized epigastric pain in_ the later months of pregnancy, especially with high blood pressure, as an ominous sign. Persistent frontal headache, not relieved by cathartics, is also a danger signal. 470 MODERN TRn.lTMEXr .IXD PREyEXTIfE MED/C/XE (New Yoek Medical Jousna Absorption and Excretion of Various Iodides. - — JC. J. Kraluilik ami j. I). J'ilcluT i.lrclihrs of Internal Medicine, January, 1918) note thai the use of strontium salts in therapeutics has been to some extent discouraged, it being thought that such salts are more slowly absorbed than the corresponding salts of sodium and potassium. Testing the excre- tion of strontium iodide in the human subject in comparison with that of sodium and potassium iodides, the writers found practically no difference in the rate of excretion of the three compounds. If ;uiything, both the rate of excretion' and the total excretion seemed to be slightly greater with the strontium salt than with the other two, though the difference is held. to be immaterial. The excretion of strontium iodide not being slower, neither is its absorjjtion to be considered slower, since all iodides are believed to exist in the blood and tissues essen- lially as sodium iodide. Treatment of Malignant Skin Lesions with the X Ray. — I'redcrick B. Hall (Urologic and (iilaiieoiis Keriew. I''ebruary, iyi8) maintains that il is necessary to give a sufficient dose because upon tiiis de])ends the quickest results. The amount of x ray used is measured by means of a chemical pastille that changes its color under the action of the X ray. The effect upon the .skin is read in terms of x. Ten .1- is the quantity of x rays that will cause an erythema of the skin. This can be produced in from thirty seconds to ten minutes, according to the hardness of the x ray, the amount of filtration be- tween the skin and the tube, and the distance of the target of the tube from the skin. Sole leather or chamois skin must be placed between the skin and the metallic filters as secondary rays are generated when the x rays strike the filters and they are most irritating to the skin. With proper care by filtra- tion it is possible and safe to give two or three times the erythema dose of ten .v. As high as twenty x has been given as a routine. .An interval of two weeks must elapse between treatment to Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia al- low the skin reaction to subside entirely. Modification of Carrel's Tube to Avoid Pres- sure.— TT. Driffield I.cvick (British Medical .hiiiriia!, December 8, njiy) directs attention to the well known fact that more or less prolonged con- tact with the tissues in a wound of drainage tubes is Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia prone to produce some degree of pressure necro- Cialis 2 5 Mg Costo In Farmacia sis. This has led to the abandonment in great measure of the use of this form of drainage, but the Carrel technic requires the use of tubes and it has been shown that here, also, pressure necrosis is not uncommon. This can be avoided almost en- tirely by the simple device of attaching a finger of a surgeon's rubber glove to the end of a rub- ber tube and making multiple minute perfora- tions in the finger. The finger alone is allowed to conic in contact with the wound surface and pro-