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cicatrization has settled down into a i>crmanent con- dition. I believe that skin grafts are much more successful than mucous grafts of any nature. I am well aware that skin grafts are not ideal ; they never look like mucous membrane and produce more or less irritation, but nevertheless, they are, in my hands, the most satisfactory grafts. This operation can also be performed in case the eyeball remains in the socket, but is adherent to a greater or less extent to either the upper or lower lid. In such cases, of course, care must be taken not to injure the cornea by the block tin, which must be shaped to avoid rubbing on the cornea. 7 West M.\dison Street. Incidence of Chronic Focal Infection in Chronic Diseases. — Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo Lovell Langstroth (American Journal of the Medical Sciences, February, 191S) from a study of the histories of the patients seen in the last two and a half years in the medical clinic of the University of California Hospital finds that eighty-four per cent, of the patients with ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, sixty-six per cent, of the acute or subacute cases of arthritis, seventy-three per cent, of the chronic cases of arthritis, and 100 per cent, of gallbladder cases, have been associated with chronic focal infections. The acute and sub- acute cases responded well after removal of the foci, even to the point of absolute cure. Many of the chronic cases have had less pain and Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo no further progress of the disease. 486 Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo liUVOOD: FORTIFYING THE CHILD AGAINST MENTAL DISORDERS. (New Yokk Medical Jouknal. I'OkTIFYING THE CHILD AGAINST MENTAL DISORDERS.* By Kvkuictt S. Elwood, Albany, N. Y., Secretary, State Hospital Commission. There are so many different types of mental dis- orders from which the chiki should be protected and the ways and means of fortifying him against mental disease are so numerous, that it will be im- po.ssible here to cover more than a portion of the subject. Much time and energy Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo are being expended in jjromoting the bodily Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo hygiene of the school Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo child. The promotion of his mental hygiene has not re- ceived the attention and sui)port which it deserves. The reticence exhibited by school and health au- thorities in undertaking the mental health problems is undoubtedly due in a large measure to the super- stition which has clung to mental disease for cen- turies, and to the vkfidespread conviction on the part of both physician and layman that insanity is such an obscure, indefinite, unknown form of human ailment that there is nothing much to ,be done in tlie way of its prevention. During the last few years great progress has been made in the study of the various forms of mental disorder, with the re- suit that much definite knowledge has been ob- tained in regard to its nature, causes, and preven- tion. Without attempting to define all of the various kinds of mental disease, let me say that there is no sharp line of demarcation between sanity and in- sanity, the difiference between mental health and mental disease being one of degree rather than kind. Doctor Paton, of Princeton, has Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo defined health as . . a state of Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo mind and body in which the adjust- ments of the individual to his environment are relatively good, while in disease, of which insanity or mental disor- der is a special form, they are insufficient or imperfect. The mechanism by Cialis 5 Mg Originale Prezzo which man makes his more comple-x adjustments is the nervous system, including the brain. When the structure of this meclianism becomes impaired, or if its orderly function is disturbed, then the individual's adjusting capacity is lessened or destroyed and he is said to be insane. If an individual's capacity for readjustment on meeting new conditions be not seriously overtaxed an equilibrium may soon be restored when unusual conditions tend to disturb the balance; but should the altered rela- tionships among the activities transcend the capacity for readjustment, then the disturbance may result in those un- usual forms of thought, feeling or behavior which are designated as insanity. A false idea may temporarily tyrannize our thought process, disappointment may bring us to the verge of despair ; and uncontrolled passion may temporarily hold reason in check, without raising a ques- tion as to our sanity. It is only when the idea becomes fixed or despondency is our customary mood, or anger or fear holds sway over all our emotions, that we are, in the common acceptance of the term, declared to be insane. There is no l)road gap between sanity and insanity. People have naively assumed too great a disparity between the mental process of the sane and the insane. Their crude distinction between conditions which are essentially alike lias brought untold misery upon the human race, has de- prived thousands of hope, driven others to despair, and prevented us from knowing ourselves. With this definition of insanity in mind, let us consider some of its and sonic of the steps which may be taken in fortifying the child against them. *Rcad at the Tenth Congress of the American School Hygiene .\!;sociation, June 9, 191;. The causes of mental maladjustment may be divided into two classes, those of a material nature which enter from without and those of a func- tional nature which apparently develop within the brain itself. The first class is comprised princi- pally of various poisons which are introduced into or developed within the system and carried to the brain through the bloodstream. The second class