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twelfth day of ilhiess, the temperature was 10.3.5' F., the pulse 87, and the respiration 38. Cialis Cheapest There was moderate rigidity of almost the entire body; the face was flushed, eye bright, and eyelids edematous and slightly ccchymotic ; the hands appeared swollen, and there were sordes of botli mouth and nose. Speech was accompanied by pain and was somewhat interfered with, the voice being rough and gurgling. The tongue could be only partially pro- truded and the mouth was opened with difficulty. The neck muscles Cialis Cheapest Cialis Cheapest were noticeably involved, as was shown by the difficulty with which the head was turned from side to side. The arms were in a Cialis Cheapest semifolded position, and the legs were drawn up. When the left arm was drawn out by moderate force, there was pain in the biceps, the involve- ment of. the left biceps being the less marked. The fore- arm flexors of the hand showed involvement, by the pain elicited on pressure, and this Cialis Cheapest was more marked in the left than in the right ; the grip of the right hand was almost normal and accompanied by only slight pain in the fingers, while that in the left was weak and accompanied by con- siderable pain. Cialis Cheapest The intercostal muscles and diaphragm appealed somewhat involved, as indicated by moderate increase in respiratory rate. There was no demonstratory involvement of the back or abdominal muscles. The pa- tient could draw up the legs with comparative ease, whereas extension was difficult and more painful; passive motion of the legs was painful, though less so than active Cialis Cheapest motion. All the limb muscles were involved, as was shown by the pain elicited on pressure of the various muscle groups. Involvement, however, of the extensor groups appeared to be less than of the flexor groups. The ex- tensiveness of the involvement of the muscle groups was indicated by the degree of rigidity, the flexion, and by Cialis Cheapest pain on pressure. The reflex contractions of the muscles were wholly involuntary, and their similarity to those muscle group contractions in tetanus would indicate a like reflex mechanism in production. The knee reflexes were difficult to obtain, and on response were exaggerated. The patient walked with great difficulty and, owing to the marked rigidity of the flexors of the legs and the extensors Cialis Cheapest of the feet, the knees were continuously extended forward and the heels were raised from the floor, the body being poised on the toes. (See Figs, i and 2.) The diagnosis reached by a study of Cialis Cheapest this clinical picture w-as that of trichinosis. The family diet had been limited for the most part to dried fish, potatoes, bread, and milk. It was ascertained, however, that a Iioa; had been killed abont three weeks prior ti> the onset of this Cialis Cheapest sickness. A part of the ]>c)rk had been made into sausage and, fol- Idwing their usual pro- cedure, this had been hung by the stove for a period of eight days, for the purpose, as .Mrs. A. explained, of blending the condi- ments used in season- ing. She usually cooked the three dailymeals, but during her frequent ab- sences, the children oc- casionally ate the sau- sage, and the only ,. .. ,. cooking thev resorted I- u;. I. — Staiming pujiliire in '^ trichinosis. Case II. J; knees lo was a nicrc waminii: Ikxed, body Cialis Cheapest poised on toes. ^^ j|^p ^^q^.^. ji^,^ p^„.. thermore, the two older boys admitted that they had eaten some of this raw. Specimens of the pork Cialis Cheapest were Cialis Cheapest obtained for laboratory examination ; the gross specimens were suspicious of trichina, and on mi- croscopical examination many muscle forms were Tnund. Case Cialis Cheapest III. — H., age sixteen years; temperature 102.5° F-. pulse 92, respiration 42. The face was pinched, Cialis Cheapest rigid, and sallow. The eyelids were swollen, the eyes bright, and Cialis Cheapest the mental condition unclouded ; sordes were marked. He Cialis Cheapest was apprehensive, complained of pain and general discom- fort, and asked why something was not done for him. His mental attitude might lead one to suspect mild hysteria. Of all those ill, this patient had the most marked symp- toms of muscle involvement. The jaws could be opened to the extent of one half inch and the tongue extended only to the outer Cialis Cheapest margins of the lips. Both of these acts required a great effort on the part of the patient and were accompanied by pain. His voice was high pitched and speech and deglutition were both p-iinful and difficult. Ap- Cialis Cheapest parently the entire voluntary musculature, including the neck and back muscles, was involved. The muscles were stiff, rigid, and boardlike. The muscle groups were mark- edly contracted ; the more powerful of Cialis Cheapest these caused the thighs to be flexed on the body and the legs on the thighs and the feet extended. It ref|uired considerable effort, after mental concentration, for the patient to extend the legs. The arms were flexed and lay across the thorax. The back and leg muscles were moderately rigid. The head was thrown back and the back slightly bowed. The patient preferred to lie on the side on account of the pain in the neck Cialis Cheapest and back muscles when lying flat His condition was that of inild Cialis Cheapest opisthotonus. There was pain on pressure in practi- cally a 1 1 muscle groups. During the third week of ill- ness the legs became mark- edly edematous, a condition which lasted for three weeks. Case IV. — M., age thirteen years, what sallow, eyes dull, but Fig. 2. — W'alkinK posture in trichinosis. Case II. J; bod.v poised on toes, feet spread apart. The face was some-