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[We publish full Cialis Dosage 30 Mg lists of books received, but we acknowl- Cialis Dosage 30 Mg edge no oblig:ition to review them all. Nevertheless, so far as space permits, we review those in which we think our Cialis Dosage 30 Mg readers are likely to be interested.] Histology of Medicinal Plants. Ry William Mansfieiji, A. M., Pii.-ir. D., Professor of Histology and Pharma- cognosy, College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. Colnmbia University. First Edition. First Thousand. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 1916. London: Chapman 81 Hall, Limited, igiC Pp. xi-30S. Doctor Mansfield has here brought together in an at- tractive form, a practical knowledge and a practical study of the histology' of some of the more important medicinal plants. To tlie sti'.di;nt 01 pharmacy, such a work would be of much value. The medical student will find a clear description of the various forms of plant cells found in drugs and also in all vegetable substances, and one who is interested in the study Cialis Dosage 30 Mg of digestive processes and the action of these processes on vegetable matters can learn much of the Cialis Dosage 30 Mg structure in consideration of a study of this work, even if it isr more distinctly prepared for a study of medicinal substances, following the earlier manuals of Jellifle, Kramer, and others. Manual of Laboratory Diagnosis. By Stella M. Gardner, M. D., and Mary C. Lincoln, Ph. B., M. D., formerly Assistant Professors of Laboratory Diagnosis, College of Medicine, University of Illinois. Chicago: Oiicago Medical Book Company, 1917. Pp. 133. (Price $1.25.) This book is no more nor less than a short, concise guide to the modern metliods of clinical laboratory diagnosis, in which the authors have recorded the technic and tests fol- lowed by themselves No attempt is made to include more than a single satisfactory method for any one test or more than one test for the determination of a given point. The examination of the blood, urine, gastric contents, feces, human milk, cerebrospinal fluid, and sputum are given in practical form and tlic volume also includes a short chapter on bacteriological examinations and another on the tliree serum reactions, the Widal test, the Wassermann reaction, and the complement fixation test for gonorrhea. The lx>ok is intended as a guide to refresh the memory of the labor- atory worker and the clinician, and as such it should prove useful owing to its convenience of size and arrangement. ;:lood I'iclurcs. An introduction to Oinical Haematolog>-. By Cecil Price-Jones, .\L B. (Lond.), Captain R. A. M. C. (T. C), Bacteriologist, British Expeditionary Force; Formerly Assistant Pathologist Middlesex Hospital Can- cer Kesearch Laboratories ; Assistant Bacteriologist (juy's Hospital, London, S. E., etc. With five colored plates and four illustrations in Cialis Dosage 30 Mg the text. New Vork : William Wood & Company, 191 7. Pp. Cialis Dosage 30 Mg 91. (Price $2.00.) The author says that it was his purpose in this booklet to furnish clinicians with some guide to the interpretation of laboratory reports upon blood examinations. The pur- pose has been most excellently fulfilled in a brief volume ■vhich is replete with reallv valuable information and free from the cumbersome details which are of little or no in- terest to the practitioner who does not do his own hemato- jogical work. The essence of the plan of presentation is a brief, clear discussion of the influence of various factors, such as infections, blood Cialis Dosage 30 Mg diseases and the like, upon the normal blood picture, following these with a {e%v repre- sentative examples of actual findings. An ingenious method is suggested for the recording of so called "incom- plete blood pictures," or those obtained from the skilled estimation of the proportions of the various blood cells as seen in a stained blood film. This consists in recording the apparent deviations from the normal by "-I-" when the cells stem to be increased ; " — " when they are apparently de- creased : and Cialis Dosage 30 Mg "o" when there is no apparent deviation from normal. This does not convey the idea of accuracy .vhich even avowedly estimated figures do, yet it indicates the direction and apparent degree of deviation from normal. for the numbers of plus and minus signs can be varied according to the conditions. In addition to this helpful p!an, the author has classified blood pictures into those due to bacterial infections, to protozoal infections, to blood dis- eases, and to malignant disease. Several excellent colored plates are included in the volume. It is difficult to see how the book could fail to prove helpful to the clinician in interpreting the reports which he receives from th^ laboratory. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Died. Browne. — In Woonsocket, R. I., on Monday, January 28tli, Dr. Wilfred W. Browne. BuiLL. — In San Francisco, Cal., on Monday, February (lb.. Dr. William E. Ruell. aged forty-two years. Ca.ssidy. — In Norwich, Conn., on Monday, January 28th. Dr. Patrick T. Cassidy. aped forty-three y:ars. Connor. — In Philadelphia, Pa., on Tuesday, January 29tli, Dr. Annie I. Connor, aged forty-tv.o years. Craig. — In Philadelphia, Pa., on Saturday, January 26th. Dr. John Martin Craig, aged t'lfly-tive years. ("rosby. — In .Atlantic City, N. J., on Thursday, February /th. Dr. George W. Crosby, aged sixty-si.x years. Gardner. — In New York, on Sunday, February 24th. Dr Frank Harris Gardner, First Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, U. .S. .\rniy, aged twenty-eight years. Gordon. — In Cialis Dosage 30 Mg Quincy, Mass., on Friday, January 25th, Dr lohn .'Mcxander Gordon, aged seventy-five years. Harrington. — In Yonkers, N. Y., on Sunday. Cialis Dosage 30 Mg Februarv -Mth. Dr. Edwin I. Harrington, aged sixty-two years. JoNrs.— In Basking Ridge, N. J., on Saturday, Febru:ir\ 'iih. Dr. Frederick Childs Jones, aged sixty-three years. Kaksner. — In Fhiladclphia. Pa., on Friday, February '-th. Dr. Daniel Karsner, aged sixty-five years. I Kwis. — In Little Rock, Ark., on Thursday, January .■4iU, Dr. Jacob Franklin Lewis, aged sixty-five years. LuHRSEN. — In Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sunday. February .id. Dr. Ernest Frederick Luhrscn, aged forty-two years Maisch.— In Victoria, Tex., on Sunday, January 27tli. Dr. Edmund A. Maisch. aged fifty years. MiLi.TKEN. Cialis Dosage 30 Mg — In Placerville, Cal.. on Saturday, January Cialis Dosage 30 Mg