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least for Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy the sake of the good mental effect of maintaining such an attitude toward the conditions of life over which we have no control. Many of us spend too much time reviewing the history of our past lives and wishing that certain things had been different from what they were. It is pos- sible so to brood over the unchangeable past that a state of severe mental distress is produced. The child should be led to turn his attention to the pres- ent and the future, remembering the past only for the lessons Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy it has taught. He should be Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy shown the folly of keeping his future behind him. Another indication of a lack of good mental ad- justment is excessive introspection, often accom- panied by a feeling of oversensitiveness and inferi- ority. The delicate child needs particular protec- tion against such disturbing mental habits during the age of puberty. If one's resources appear to be inadequate to the problems before him, iDelittling these resources only tends to increase the apparent size of the problems without Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy helping in their solu- tion. One form of maladjustment often results in developing what Doctor Hoch has called a shut in personality. This usually occurs in the child who has inherited a very sensitive makeup, who recoils from criticism, who has strong tendencies toward brooding and introspection. I cjuote Doctor Hoch's record of such a case: Cask. — This patient is a young woman about whose early life we are fairly well informed. We are told that even as a little child she was hard to manage and took advice badly. While I cannot find any very concrete examples or in- stances under which this behavior manifested itself, the notes give enough to show that the difficulties which the parents and teachers experienced in managing the child were not due to any very active traits on the part of the latter, not to that kind of boisterous childish vivacity which is seen in normal children who are hard to manage, but rather to a passive resistance. She got along pretty well when left alone, but even simple adaptations were difficult for her. Thus it troubled her when things were touched, or when she was interfered with in any way. Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy Her reac- tion then to such interferences was, however, not an ag- gressive one from which a certain healthy shaping of the situation might be expected, but a rather fruitless irrita- tion and more particularly, Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy as is stated, "a going off by her- self." Again, and quite consistent with what we have said, we are told that she played little with other children, was apt to cry when things did not go iust her way, and then left her playmates. It is also specifically said that she was not liked by others. Children have a quick appreciation of barriers which another child, or for that matter an adult, erects about him, and shun that kind of personality. In company she was silent, took no part Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy in what was going on, and very often left the room. She seemed ill at ease and bashful. But she was not stupid, on the contrary rather above the average in intelligence, and she worked hard at school and had good marks. At sixteen she be- came overreligious, a change which was not accounted for by anything that happened in her environment. Then came a year at a business college which, Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy so far as the work was concerned, was also passed satisfactorily, thougli her general traits did not change. But when the time came to use her knowledge, that is, to change from a more recep- tive situation, which makes infinitely less demands than the more difficult task of stepping out into the world of responsibility, then she vvas unprepared and shrank from it ; instead of taking positions wdiich evidently under the Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy force of example and promptings Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy from home she did seek for a time, she found fault with every one, and Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy remained inactive. She married at eighteen, and after the birth of the first child developed a serious mental disorder, from which she has not and will not recover. The form of mental disease described by Doctor Hoch is known as dementia pr?ecox and consti- 488 EI.H'OOD: rORTIl-YING THE CHILD AGAINST MENTAL DISORDEKS I New Yokk Medical Journal. tules eiglUecn per cent, of all admissions to the New York State hospitals for the insane. Doctor Campbell, of Johns Hopkins, believes that thirty- nine per cent, of this type of insanity is preventable. The fortification of the child against mental dis- orders arising from internal causes depends largely upon the early recognition of some of the danger signals which I have just described. Of course, many individuals may ijresent one or more of these mdications of mental disorder and yet never be- come insane. They may drift into lives of inefifi- ciency and failure, which should be prevented, if possible, just as much as the more serious and com- plete mental breakdown. The appearance of ex- cessive introspection, brooding over the impossible, oversensitiveness accompanied by feeling of inferi- ority, and worry over trifies, should be sufficient to warn the teacher and result in bringing the indi- vidual to the attention and treatment of a physi- cian skilled in mental diseases. If his advice is sought early he will be able to prevent many seri- ous mental disorders and to check a much larger number of individuals from developing a state of mental inefficiency which would mean failure and discouragement throughout their whole lives. A child can be taught to look his worries straight in the face. He can be helped to analyze his fears by carefully Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy examining the causes of his anxiety, and in so doing he will unconsciously minimize much of the emotional element which is disturbing to mental health. The wise and progressive teacher will oc- casionally comfort the child by assuring him that all make mistakes sometimes. She will teach him without his knowing that he is being taught, that one's anxieties and worries and discontent depend more upon the state of mind than upon the envi- ronment. A normal state of mind is undoul)tedly one that finds a certain amount of satisfaction in daily life. No individual can hope to find a suffi- cient amount of Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy happiness outside of his daily work to keep Cialis Online Canada Pharmacy him in the best of mental health, if his daily work is the source of constant distress and displeasure. H he is unable to change the na- ture of his occupation he should do his utmost to