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pura, which is decidedly more frequent than one sees in private practice. The soldier's occupation also predisposes him to certain inconveniences ; marginate eczema between the thighs is rampant during the hot weather. Corns and calluses often add to a soldier's petty worries, even if he is not already suffering from "nerve strain." Cases of lichen planus, which are occasion- Cialis Online Cheap ally met with are possibly due to the prolonged strain. Certainly herpes zoster occurs, but I do not know whether more Cialis Online Cheap so than in normal civil life. Ulcers of the legs, due to previous varicose veins, breaking down of healed or partially healed wounds, syphilis, or streptococcus infection, are met with constantly, in spite of the fact that every man is Cialis Online Cheap passed as physically fit before he is allowed to join up. These ulcer cases are well within the sphere of the dermatologist and he frequently has cases handed over to him by the surgeon, who feels that in promoting the final stages of healing, the derma- tologist may have some special methods at his dis- posal. Many of these ulcers have a surrounding areola Cialis Online Cheap of eczema that is quite as trying to the surgeon to cure as the ulcer, llad burns are met Cialis Online Cheap with. Sporotrichosis exists in France but is rare ; the ulcers somewhat resemble syphilitic ulcers. Skin surgery, cosmetic surgery, and skin grafting should be done by the dermatologist. The Cialis Online Cheap latter should not let himself be lost sight of. He should bring the importance of his work to the notice of the authorities and when the unit is being formed, he should see to it that the special equipment neces- sary for the special work of dermatology is included in the requisitions : otherwise he is apt to be handi- capped in his efforts. The army usually supplies a fairly complete outfit to the surgeons, but if you are accustomed to the use of certain instruments, scalpels, radiometers, pemetrometers, hypodermics, localizing apparatus, needles, etc., why not take a few with you ? You are allowed more latitude with hospitals in Cialis Online Cheap regard Cialis Online Cheap to the amount of baggage you transport than others, and if you leave these articles at home, they will possibly be useless by the time you get back. The range of dermatology is not confined Cialis Online Cheap to sol- diers only, because although with almost every dis- ease among them, the same as you would meet in ordinary practice, still you will find a big, inter- esting field Cialis Online Cheap among the refugees who, on account of the conditions in Cialis Online Cheap which many of them live, are sus- ceptible to everything of this nature. Then, too, many of these arc old or young as the case may be and you will find an endless variety of diseases. In the south you may run across leprosy by the roadside or carate, beriberi, plague, or cholera ; it all depends on where you are sent. Every base hospital should have a ward devoted to the treatment of diseases of the skin. Are there any difficulties in conducting a skin ward? None that are insurmoimtable. Most of your patients are of the ambulatory type. Most of them suffer from either infectious or contagious diseases. It is of the utmost importance that you have no promiscuous visiting from outside wards and equally important that you keep the different types of disease Cialis Online Cheap separate from one another. This is no easy task. The man who feels well and can walk about seeks diversion, and unless your orderly is alert, a game of cards will be in full swing and a free exchange of filthy disease will take place in the very place where they are supposed to get well. Excessive smoking, 1 believe, prevents rapid cure of some diseases and it is astounding the number of cigarettes a Tommy can use up in a day when his twenty-four hour Cialis Online Cheap day in hospital offers little other amusement. The skin ward is one in which you can give punishment for breakage of the rules without inflicting an injury to the patient. Thus you could put a man with scabies on night guard duty. Thus he would not come in contact with others as the sergeant would give him his orders as to "beat" and sleeping quarters, so that contingency would be over- come. Possibly, at times, transportation may be at fault, and you may not be able to obtain the drugs that you require. The drug department may accidentally run out of the commodity which you most desire. Emergencies such as these stimulate your ingenuity. Y'ou may have to substitute the next best drug or the next and the next. You may have difficulty in getting fuel or water, even for cooking and drinking. You may be in Cialis Online Cheap tents with the temperature below zero. It all Cialis Online Cheap depends on your assignment. The area of hostilities covers practically from the equator to the pole ;-and once you join up, you may be sent anywhere under orders from the extreme north to the centre of the heat belt. The equipment of the base hospital, aside from the administration, stores, messing, sleeping, and recreation departments, which are of interest to the dermatologist in particular, are the operating room, X ray and light department, the laboratory, the bath- ing or Cialis Online Cheap hydro outfit, and the fumigation and sani- tation departments, as well as the equipment of the individual wards. The personnel of these hospitals is necessarily large, partly because of the great amount of individual attention demanded, and also because a great deal of the work comes in rushes and the staff must be sufTiciently numerous to cope with the epidemic when it is at its greatest height. This is true with any hospital at the front ; as the staff's have to be equal to the strain after a "big push" of taking care o^ the wounded. Relatively speaking an ordinary military Cialis Online Cheap hospital of practically I. GOO beds requires Cialis Online Cheap in the neighborhood of thirty doctors or surgeons, seventy-five nurses, and the bal- ance up to about 300 composed of orderlies and noncommissioned officers. Only trained nurses should be taken ; the orderlies, though, should be chosen from every walk of life — civilian hosnital orderlies, druggists, engineers, surveyors, drillers, carpenters, cooks, clerks, plumbers, tailors, ball players, photographers, electricians, etc. — because they will fill useful billots once vou are located with any degree of permanency. In addition to their routine duties, they can be made use of along their professional lines. You will find good cooks an especial acquisition to any camp. Then too a com- petent dietitian is also indispensable. When you go to the front, go unselfishly. You