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Stereoscopic Rbntgenograms of the Head. — J. M. Ingersoll {Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, September, 1917) has been Cialis Online Coupon convinced of the prac_tical value of stereorontgenograms. which give definite information in regard to the nose and the accessory sinuses, the brain and many of its bloodvessels, and the ear and the mastoid, which cannot be obtained in any other way. The size and boundaries of the maxillary and frontal sinuses can be distinctly seen, and any septum tumors or foreign bodies in these cavities can be accurately located and defined. The ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses, because they overlie Cialis Online Coupon each other, are some- what masked, but their relative position to each other and the orbit and to other surrounding struc- tures can be clearly distinguished. Studies of Lung Volume. — A. Garvin, Christen Lundsgaard, and Donald D. \'an Slyke, {Journal of Experimental .Medicine, January, 1918) deter- mined the total ' Sacity, middle capacity, residual air, and the chest "^'''umes, and calculated the nor- mal lung volume> ''^ thirty-one tuberculous men. They found the tota'' lung volume within normal limits in nine Cialis Online Coupon cases of^ncipient tuberculosis, but the vital capacity was decreased, as a result of an in- creased residual air, which in turn was caused by inability to expire as deeply as normally. This is apjiarent in the decreased movement of the di- ajiiiragm and the decreased difference between the chest volume after total expiration and in the middle position. The middle capacity was prac- tically normal. In twenty-two cases of moderately Cialis Online Coupon advanced and advanced tuberculosis the total lung volume and vital capacity were decreased in most of the cases, the latter mostly as the result of the diminished total capacity. The residual air was generally normal and the middle capacity varied in ditTercnt individuals, Cialis Online Coupon being normal in some and considerablv diminished in others. MISCELLANY FROM HOME AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 427 Late Brain Inflammation after Cranial Oper- ations. — Junientie and Sentis {Fresse medicale, Xovember 2'). uji/^ report a number of cases of this nature in Cialis Online Coupon which complete and permanent recov- ery took place without a second operation. The symptoms diiifered from those of brain abscess only in a less pronounced interference with the mental processes and the early favorable trend of the con- dition. Although convulsive disturbances were ob- served, the condition is ascribed to a temporary iiiHammatioM, without sujipuratiori. Asthma Cialis Online Coupon Associated With Ethmoidal Disease. — John Mackenzie Brown {Annals of Otology, Rhi- nology and Laryngology, June, 191 7) remarks that for a long time the association of chronic ethmoidi- tis and asthma is an intimate one and that a Cialis Online Coupon deviated septum or a similar lesion within the nose may ag- gravate the symptoms. It has been further noticed that great improvement in the symptoms manifested has followed the removal of the pathological nasal Cialis Online Coupon lesions ; in some cases this has necessitated the ex- enteration of the diseased ethmoidal labyrinth. Blood in the Stools in Duodenal Ulcer. — Au- gust J. P. Pacini {Medical Record, December i, 191 7) considers that the finding of occult blood in the stools of patients with a suggestive history war- rants a diagnosis of duodenal ulcer. Extraintesti- nal sources of bleeding must be ruled out, as hemor- rhoids and vaginal discharges in women. Pacini gives a table of thirty-two cases where a diagnosis was made on occult blood findings in Cialis Online Coupon the feces and where the diagnosis was confirmed at operation. Tlie examination of the stools should include the guaiac test, the benzidin test, spectroscopic search for hematin, and microscopic search for hemin crystals. Intracutaneous Reaction in Meningococcus Carriers. — Frederick P. (lay and A. J. Minaker {Journal A. M. A., January 26. 1918) emphasize the fact that the usual tests for antibodies yield no results of value in meningococcus carriers, but tests with a specially prepared meningococcus sub- stance seem to indicate the occurrence of an intra- dermal reaction of some diagnostic value. Five strains of representative meningococci are grown separately on one per cent, starch agar without peptone. The forty-eight hour cultures are trans- ferred to sterile salt solution, mixed, and pre- cipitated with acohol. They are Cialis Online Coupon then washed with a second portion of alcohol, then with ether, then cen- trifugalized and dried in partial vacuum over sul- phuric acid for two days. The dry mass is then ground in an agate mortar to an impalpable powder Cialis Online Coupon and dried again for a day. A suspension of this is next made in normal saline containing Cialis Online Coupon 0.5 per cent, phenol. The strength of this suspension is such that the dose of 0.05 mil contains 0.006 mgm. of the dried substance. This is then used for the usual intradermal test, a Cialis Online Coupon positive reaction consist- ing of a well marked retl, indurated area of three to seven millimetres diameter, which is best marked at the end of twenty-four to twenty-eight hours and disappears in forty-eight hours. Trials of the test gave 64.5 per cent, of positive results Cialis Online Coupon in thirty- one known carriers as compared with only 26.4 per cent, of positives in thirty-eight noncarriers. The value of the test remain', to be determined. Effect of Stimulation of Sensory Nerves upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrin from the Adrenals. — G. N. Stewart and J. M. Rogoff {Journal of Experimental Medicine, November, 1917) attempted to determine whether stiinulation of afferent nerves, sciatic and brachial, produced a iletectable increase in the rate of liberation of epinephrin from the adrenals. Adrenal vein blood was tested on rabbit intestine and uterus segments, with negative results. Action of Spinal Fluid on Growth of Meningo- coccus. — Cresswell .Shearer (Lancet, November 10, 1917) reports a series of experiments in which he shows that normal spinal fluid contains Cialis Online Coupon some substance which markedly stimulates the growth of the meningococcus on artificial culture mediums. This stimulant property is materially greater in the case of the spinal fltiid than is that shown by either