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injection ; or, 3, if the jjatient seems to be a poor risk for any other reason, Cialis Prescription Assistance as advanced age, marked arteriosclerosis, etc. If, however, there is no cys- titis, and if the renal elimination and the general health are good, we remove the prostate at one sitting. After the [jreliminary Cialis Prescription Assistance suprapubic cystostomy the ]>atient is encourageft to get out of bed as soon as he feels able, usually on about the third day. He is also encouraged to drink water freely. If there is evidence of a threatened acidosis as determined by the carbon dio.xide tension of the alveolar air or of the blood plasma, or by marked shortness of breath, care is taken to see that the patient gets alkali, usually as sodium bicarbonate, and sufficient carbohydrate to improve the symptoms. The Cialis Prescription Assistance drain- age is carried into a bottle which the patient wears strapped to the side of his abdomen or thigh, which thereby avoids keeping him soaked in his urine. This drainage is maintained as long as is necessan,- to insure a marked improvement in the renal elimin- ation, the cystitis, and the general clinical symptoms. In one case it was maintained for eight weeks. The Cialis Prescription Assistance cystostomy is nearly always performed under novo- cainc anesthesia. If the patient is a poor subject for local Cialis Prescription Assistance anesthesia and complains of pain, the procedure is finished Cialis Prescription Assistance under nitrous oxide and oxy- Cialis Prescription Assistance gen. For the second stage, Cialis Prescription Assistance the prostatectomy, the anesthetic which we use is usually nitrous oxide and oxygen. Occasionally we use ether, and we have also performed a Cialis Prescription Assistance few prostatectomies with local anesthesia. In our opinion chloroform should never be used. Cialis Prescription Assistance In a former publication (7) we have shown that chloroform is split up in the body in such a way that free hydrochloric acid is formed from it. Accordingly, therefore, whenever Cialis Prescription Assistance one ad- ministers chlorofonn he is in fact administering hydrochloric acid to the tissues. We therefore strongly dissent from the view of Deaver that chloroform should be used in prostatectomy opera- tions on patients who have bronchitis. There is no evidence to substantiate the popular belief that ether is more likely to induce pneumonia than chloroform. That idea is a relic of the time, when, owing to improper manufacturing methods, much Cialis Prescription Assistance of the ether contained sulphuric acid. As a matter of fact, as indicated above, since whenever we give chloroform we actually administer hydrochloric acid to the cells of the body, there is more danger of untoward re- sults after chloroform than after ether. The following are typical illustrative cases, some of which present unusual features : Case I. — A retired fanner, aged eighty-six years, show- ing marked senility ; entered the hospital because of acute retention of urine with the bladder greatly distended He had not passed urine for twenty-four hours. He had a history of prostatic svmptonis extending over a period of about ten years. He did not use a catheter himself but had been compelled repeatedly to have urine withdrawn bv his physician. Examination through the rectum revealed a plainly hypcrtrophied prostate, which was evidently not malignant. Marked senility and arteriosclerosis were evi- dent. The systolic blood pressure was 185. There was nothing else of imnortance in the examination. Catheteri- ?ation was difficult: therefore a suprapubic incision was made into the bladder with novocaine anesthesia, and tubular drainage was established. There was no appre- ciable shock following the operation. Three days later a March 9. 191S] GRAHAM: TWO STAGE PROSTATECTOMY. 449 functional test with piienolsulphonephthalein showed the first appearance of the dye in fifteen minutes Cialis Prescription Assistance after inject- ing it hypodermically ; and at the end of two hours only forty per cent, had been eliminated. The urine was mark- edly alkaline and contained much pus. Cultures showed a pure culture of Bacillus Cialis Prescription Assistance mucosus capsulatus. An un- usual feature of this case was that the skin adjacent to the bladder incision became infected with the development of from twelve to fifteen discrete ulcers, all of which had a characteristic appearance. They were circular in out- line from two to five millimetres in diameter, with shallow edges with little induration, and a floor covered with gray- ish necrotic tissue which was stringy and distinctly mucoid in appearance. Cultures from this necrotic tissue yielded a pure growth of Bacillus mucosus capsulatus. These ulcers were painful and annoying. After persisting for three weeks with practically no change in spite of appli- cations at various times of iodine, alcohol, bichloride, and boric acid, they finally yielded to a single cauterization with stick silver nitrate and promptly healed. After four weeks of drainage, the urine was free from pus and a functional phthalein test showed an initial appearance in ten minutes and an elimination of sixty per cent, within two hours. The patient had been up and walking around after the third day, and his general symptoms were much improved. Accordingly it was felt safe to proceed with the prostatectomy which was performed in five minutes' time with light ether anesthesia through the original supra- pubic cystostomy opening. A large adenomatous prostate, weighing si.xty-eight grams, was removed, which micro- scopically showed no evidence of malignancy. Following the operation the patient's general condition was excellent. On the following day he ate three regular meals, and on the fifth day he was allowed to sit up in a chair. The tube was removed on the fifth day, and two days later urine was evacuated through the urethra. Two and one half weeks after the operation he was discharged with the wound entirely closed. He was able to hold his urine for from four to six hours at a time. Case II. — A man, aged sixty-five years, with marked sepsis and Cialis Prescription Assistance high grade arteriosclerosis Cialis Prescription Assistance had had no occu- pation for past two years because of physical disability. He was brought to the hospital in the ambulance with a history of great suft'ering for the past two weeks because of nearly constant tenesmus and desire to urinate Cialis Prescription Assistance but with ability to urinate only a few drops at a time with great difficulty. He had been bedridden during most of this time and was exhausted from lack of sleep. There was a history of prostatic symptoms for eight years with frequent use of a catheter by a physician and Cialis Prescription Assistance frequent passing of milky, ammoniacal urine. The patient stated that he thought he had lost about thirty pounds in weight during the last six months. His temperature on admission was I02.4°F. ; pulse, 120; systolic blood pressure, 205. Ra- dial arteries were like pipe stems and there was marked