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MEDICINE AND SURGERY IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. [New Yoic Medical Jouknai. nary Corps, Cialis Prescription Online Canada have Ixien completed, and they now are awaiting approval of the Secretary of War. The scheme contemplates a gradual enlargement of the facilities and scope of work at I-'ort Oglethorpe to the end that the educational system of the Medical Dci)artment, so far as it may be conducted at a training camp, eventually will be Cialis Prescription Online Canada concentrated at that place, with a corresponding diminution at other camps. Commissioned and enlisted members of the Dental Corps, Dental Reserve Corps, Sanitary Corps, and Veterinary Corps will be put through special courses of instruction pertaining to their spe- cial work. At present there are about 1,500 officers and 9,000 enlisted men of the Medical Department at Fort Oglethorpe. A similar Cialis Prescription Online Canada camp has been con- ducted at Fort Riley, Kans., where there are about 1,000 officers and 6,500 enlisted men. Although it is not intended to discontinue the Fort Riley camp immediately, it gradually will be reduced as that at Fort Oglethorpe is enlarged. Special attention has been given by Major Wil- liam H. Cialis Prescription Online Canada G. Logan, M. R. C, in charge of the dental branch of the Surgeon General's Office, to prepar- ing the scheme of instruction of dentists at Fort Oglethorpe. The first class of dental officers will be sent to the camp for a two months' course of instruction commencing on March 15th. Special buildings will be erected for conducting the instruc- tion in dental subjects. The course will include military instruction to be conducted by the military staff of the medical officers' camp and special dental subjects will be handled by a staff of dental instruc- tors. About eighty-five dentists will be sent to the camp each month, of whom all that can be spared from their present duties will be recent appointees to the regular Dental Cialis Prescription Online Canada Corps, with a sufficient num- ber from the Dental Reserve Corps to make up the prescribed number. Lieutenant Colonel John H. Snapp, Dental Corps, has been relieved from duty at Camp Upton, N. Y., and assigned to duty as senior dental instructor at the camp. He will be assisted by several members of the Dental Corps and by a staiT of members of the Dental Reserve Corps who have had experience, before entering the military service, as special instructors at dental col- leges. The naval Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is preparing an illustrated chart to be displayed con- spicuously on board army transports warning sol- diers against spread of disease. The chart was de- vised by Surgeon W. D. Owens, of the navy, who first used the sketches in warning the naval recruits at the naval training station, Newport, R. I., where excellent results were obtained, particularly in point- ing out to the newcomers the dangers of venereal infection and neglect of the proper sanitary meas- ures. Besides issuing the charts, the sketches and cartoons, with brief explanatory legends, will be compiled in pamphlet form and distributed among soldiers transported overseas. 3|: 4c * * * The Secretary of the Treasurv has recommended extension to officers of the rui)lic Health Service engaged in the enforcement of sanitarv measures in the vicinity of national cantonments the priv- ileges of a pending bill that provides that all uni- forms, accoutrements, and equipment required for any oflficer of the military forces of the United States shall be furnished and issued to such officer by the Government at cost price. The secretary ex- plains that the Public Health officers are uniformed by regulations of that service, and that they conse- quently suffer from the same exorbitant prices in purchasing uniforms as in the case of officers of the military forces. The number of officers that would be affected is about 300. Their uniform is olive drab, and it differs from that of the military forces only in the insignia and buttons. In view of the fact that these officers are engaged actively in pro- tecting the health Cialis Prescription Online Canada of the military forces, it is thought that they are entitled Cialis Prescription Online Canada to the same consideration as the officers Cialis Prescription Online Canada of the military forces. ***** Considerable interest has been manifested in the pending bill to establish a Pharmaceutical Corps in the army and an effort will be made to get a favor- able report on it from the House Military' Commit- tee. If the proposed legislation is enacted the corps will be a part of the Medical Department of the army, and under the immediate supervision of a pharmacist, to be known as the pharmacist direc- tor. Appointments to the new corps will be made from civil life, from among graduates of recognized schools of pharmacy, original appointments being made in the grade of second lieutenant. Men with pharmacist experience may be enlisted between the ages of seventeen and thirty-five years as pharma- cist apprentices, and after a service of two years they may be granted leaves of absence to pursue courses of instruction in pharmaceutical schools to prepare for commissions in the corps. It also is provided that contract pharmacists may be ap- pointed at a compensation of $150 a month. ***** Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate Naval Committee, has introduced a bill to reorganize the Dental Corps of the navj'. The bill authorizes the President to appoint and commis- sion dental officers in the navy, at the rate of one for each i,(X)0 Cialis Prescription Online Canada of the total authorized number of officers and enlisted men of the navy and marine corps, in the grades of assistant dental surgeon, passed assistant dental surgeon, and Cialis Prescription Online Canada dental surgeon, who shall constitute the naval dental corps. The number authorized differs from the number of den- tists allowed the regular army, in which the number is one for every thousand of the enlisted force. It is provided that dental surgeons shall be Cialis Prescription Online Canada eligible for advancement in pay and allowances, but not in rank, Cialis Prescription Online Canada to and including the j^ay and allowances of a cap-