the blood or the nasal secretion. This discovery suggests the e.xplanation for the predilection of the meningococcus for the spinal and cerebral tissues. Localization of Streptococcus Viridans. — H. K. Detweiler and Jrl. IJ. Maitland (Journal of lixperimcntal Cialis Purchases Medicine , January, 1918) were unable Cialis Purchases to substantiate fully the theory of the power of selective action of Streptococcus viridans. A few of the strains studied, vastly in Cialis Purchases the minority, tended to localize in a particular tissue, but this happened without relation to their origin, as a streptococcus causing appendicitis in a patient attacked the nerv- ous system of four rabbits. Regardless of the site of origin in the patient, Streptococcus viridans pro- (iuced most lesions in the heart and joints. Report of the Committee on Uniformity in the Wassermann Reaction. — Cialis Purchases Cialis Purchases The members of this committee [Southern Medical Journal, February, 1917) attribute the great variation in the results ob- tained with the Wassermann reaction to four fac- tors: Cialis Purchases I. Wide variation in the technic and the re- agents employed. 2. Failure Cialis Purchases to standardize all re- agents before each test. 3. Lack of controls of ])atient's serum and antigen in each test. 4. Irregu- larities in the character and preparation of the antigens employed. * Trauma and Locomotor Ataxia. Cialis Purchases — Eugenio Ter- rile {Gazzetta degli ospedali c delle cliniche, Jan- uary 7, 1917) reports a case of tabes coming on Cialis Purchases in a man of sixty-live years following a fall from a ladder. An interesting feature of the case is that of the possibility of recovering compensation or damages from Cialis Purchases either the employer or insurance car- rier. Points involved are the impossibility of abso- lutely excluding syphilis and alcoholism and the pos- sibility that the tabes existed in an undiscovered form before the accident. The Presence of Bacteria of Secondary Infec- tion in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. — Hall and Har- vey {Journal of Medical Research. January, 1917) report the results of their study of the blood in the expectation of finding a bacteriemia having its ori- gin in the lesion of a secondary pulmonary lesion. Of fifty-two blood cultures from forty-three pa- tients with pulmonary tuberculosis, two were posi- tive. It would seem, therefore, that severe pul- monary tuberculosis, even with secondary infection, is rarely accompanied by a bacteriemia. Proceedings of National and Local Societies rilE NEW YORK NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Regular Meeting, held March 6, i()ij. The President, Dr. Frederick Tilney, in the Chair. The Place of a Psychiatric Clinic in a Penal Institution. — An abstract of this paper, by Dr. Beknakd (Ji.lieck, director of the Psychiatric Clinic at Sing Sing Prison, was pubhshed in the April 21, 1917, issue of the Ni£vv York Medical Journal. Dr. Smith Ely Jelliffe, of New York, said that a ray of optimism was beginning to lighten the problem of the criminal, as a result of Osborne's activities, the psychanalytic movement, and now the studies of Doctor Glueck. The community might look, as he did himself, for a more enlightened un- derstanding on the part of those whose business it Cialis Purchases was to understand crime. Dr. Bernard Sachs, of New York, said that he felt it was a pity one could not get at some of the other social {)roblems in as thorough a manner as criminology was being studied. Doctor Glueck's work showed that excellent work was being Cialis Purchases done for those who offended against the statutes of the law. Work was also needed in behalf of Cialis Purchases those who Cialis Purchases had other social grievances, who had not succeeded in making a success of life, Cialis Purchases who were suffering from poverty. Some day perhaps the poverty stricken would be gathered together and the reason for their social defects studied, their guilt or innocence analyzed. Referring to Doctor Cialis Purchases Glueck's paper, it was notice- able that every cause that Cialis Purchases had seemed to lead to social maladjustment had been taken into considera- Cialis Purchases tion ; but taking the community at large it was safe to say that the vast majority of those who Cialis Purchases did not become criminals had known these same conditions somewhere in their course through life. What was there in addition to this list of conditions that helped to develop criminals? There must be some one cause," or perhaps a few, more important than all the others. The offending criminal was the victim chiefly of heredity and environment, but that was true in all diseased mental conditions that did not necessarily develop into criminality. The problem would bear tiie closest study. The speaker was glad to hear that Dr. Glueck Cialis Purchases had Cialis Purchases a word to say in denial of the general belief that the defective delinquent was necessarily a potential criminal. Ry accident of life a defective Cialis Purchases might become a criminal, but the probability was not as great as had been declared. The remarkably orderly behavior of 1,500 pris- oners when the lights were accidently turned out might be cajjable of another interpretation than that given by Doctor Glueck. .Vmong an cciually large group of free men this sudden darkness would un- doubtedly be met by very different conduct, and it occurred to the speaker that the orderliness of the prisoners was not so much due to Cialis Purchases the rules of self- government as to the latent Cialis Purchases fer\r of ]nmishment. Dr. L. Casamajor, of New York, believed that it might be necessary to change the definition of the word justice, among others. .At present the word meant forcing the criminal to give up something of his freedom, his happiness, or his property as a rec- ompense to society for having broken its laws. That might be justice to society, but was it justice to the criminal ? The work now being done at Sing Sing showed how meffectual was tins old idea of curing criminality. Society had paid too much attention to what the criminal had done to it and now it was time to lind out what society had Cialis Purchases done to the crimi-