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might be described as bad mental habits, and their accompanying results often have their origin in childhood, and may be caused by unwise parental training, insufficient or improper school training, unfavorable heredity, or a trying and unwholesome environment. One of the principal poisons which enters the mental machinery from without, greatly impairing its adjusting capacity, and often resulting in per- manent mental breakdown, is alcohol. It is impos- siijle to state the exact percentage of mental mal- adjustment due to alcohol. Several definite forms of insanity, known as the alcohol insanities, are caused almost entirely by the excessive use of alco- hol. Of the total of 4,903 first admissions to the New York State hospitals for the insane during the Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg nine months ended June 30, 1916, alcohol was given as the causative factor in 506 Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg cases, which represented 10.3 per cent. The medical profes- sion now believes that many cases of excessive al- coholism occur in individuals who have a psycho- pathic constitution and who would not be esj^)ecially stable m their habits of life if they had not resorted to alcohol in excess. This knowledge does not lessen the serious effects of alcohol upon the mental processes, but shows the great necessity of throw- ing every safeguard around the individual who is lacking in resistance, or who is especially suscep)- tible to its effects. The fortification of the child against the alcoholic insanities can best be accom- plished by giving him a thorough knowledge of its efiects and developing his power of resistance to temptation. In this day of keen competition, every man needs the highest possible development of his mental faculties. This is not onlj' impossible in tlie presence of continued use of alcohol, but per- manent impairment of the mind is sure to follow its continued tise. The second principal external cause of serious mental disorder is the germ of a disease known as syphilis. This is the essential cause of general paralysis, a mental disease responsible for about 14.5 per cent, of all first admissions, and for nearly one fifth of all male admissions to hospitals for the insane in New York State. Alore than twenty-two per cent, of male patients admitted to insane hos- pitals from the cities in this country are suffering from general paralysis. More deaths resulted in New York State from general paralysis in 191 1 than from smallpox in the whole registration area of the United States since 1908. Half as many deaths are known to occur every year from gen- eral paralysis as from typhoid fever. It is believed that a considerable number of deaths from general paralysis, when occurring outside of institutions, are reported as "softening of the brain" or bv some other indefinite term, and the prevalence of gen- eral paralysis is, therefore, far greater than mor- t.ility statistics would indicate. This disease runs ELIVOOD: FORTIFYING THE CHILD AGAINST MENTAL DISORDERS. 487 a luiiformly fatal course, the average duration of which is from two to five years. It attacks people who have to all appearances recovered from syph- ilis, and most frequently in the fourth decade of life, when their usefulness to the community and to their families should be the greatest. Of course, the prevention of general paralysis depends wholly upon the prevention of syphilis, a well defined field of effort in preventive medicine. The question of teaching sex hygiene in the public schools has met with much opposition. While 1 cannot take the time to discuss its merits or possible dangers, 1 must say that I believe that our youth are really entitled to a clear Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg knowledge of the fearful ravages of the diseases generally associated with immoral living. Knowledge of these results both to the individual and to his future family may not insure proper conduct in all individuals, nevertheless it will assist many in re- sisting temptation and avoiding dissipation. If we are to conserve that type of citizenship of which we have always been proud, the school must as far Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg as practicable supply the training which a large number of homes no longer furnish. The psychopathic ward of Bellevue Hospital re- cently contained a pretty little girl nine years old suffering from general paralysis. This little girl was born in a country founded upon the principle that all are created free and equal, yet all of her rights to happiness and even to life itself had been violated, for she had inherited syphilis as a result of her father's early dissipation and no medicine could check it from resulting in premature death. If the same little girl had been injured while play- ing on the streets Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg by a careless truck driver, the newspapers and the courts would have come to her defense, and public sentiment would have demand- ed that this driver be held responsible. Why should not the httle girl in the hospital receive as nuich defense against one of the worst forms of human injury as if she had been run down tipon the streets? Is society Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg justified in denying to the next generation the full right to health and happi- ness Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg for the sake of concealing the sins of the pres- ent generation? Let us now consider those causes of mental dis- orrler which seem to arise within the mind itself, which have been referred to as internal causes or bad mental habits. One of the most common of the bad mental habits is excessive worry. There are few of us who do not worry over something or other at least once in a while. Many of us carry iibout with us continually a large bundle of worries and anxieties which may increase our burdens and vet be Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg insufficient to jeopardize our mental health. It is easy enough to say, "Don't worry" to Esiste Il Cialis Da 50 Mg our friend who is deeply disturbed by his problems and difficulties. Such advice is worth nothing unless we do follow it by more definite assistance. Many minor worries may be eliminated from our daily list. For example, we give too much attention to the condition of the weather, and if the weather is inclined to be wet or stormy, we feel consequently depressed, consoling each other upon the fact that it is such a bad day, that little can be accomplished. Some one has said there is no such thing as bad weather, and I am inclined to agree with him, at