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an unprecedented and unanticipated number of wounded in the first battles of the war that often great rows of them la^' for twenty-four hour? with no other care than that offered by a man who passed down the lines with drinking watn every hour. Naturally appalling infections were the rule, especially as this warfare was waged on ground covered with manure highly fertile and teeming with microorganisms. Infections made their appearance and became common- places that had been looked upon almost as sur- gical curiosities ; gas and fecal bacilli were prevalent. The situation is now well enough in hand Online Cialis Forum so that nearly all wounds are thoroughly M:.rch g. igiS.] EDITORIAL ARTICLES. 465 cleansed, and under the Carrel-Dakin method heal rapidly. The q\iestion is whether this method, or any other, can be taken as the best in all cases. Let US consider, with Online Cialis Forum no thought of depreciation of the admirable work of these men, whether or not we shall adopt this treatment as the invariable one in dealing with infection. There is a whisper abroad that some of the results which seem ideal are obtained in cases where this method, with all its ingenious complexities, need not have been used at all. The same suspicion attaches to the other methods — the Morison, with its carbolic acid and alcohol, followed by bismuth and iodoform; Hey, with its brilliant green, boric acid, paraffin, and chalk — why chalk, no one knows ; the Online Cialis Forum methods of Sir Berkeley Moynihan, who dissects liack a third of an inch of tissue Online Cialis Forum and then uses (lichloramine-T, and Colonel Gray's liquid ]>araffin procedure. .\fter all, if we will but turn our attention nearer home, we will see much to commend in the systematic and rational work of Ochsner, which he reported in two papers read Online Cialis Forum before the Southern Surgical Association last December. The great point was made that an antiseptic need not necessarily be a germicide, e. g., he found a saturated solution of boric acid a spe- cific against the streptococcus. One drop of pus from a streptococcic abscess killed a guineapig which survived sixty drops from such an abscess where compresses saturated with boric acid solu- tion had been applied to the skin just over the abscess. He also found that this antiseptic was inimical to the Staphylococci albus and citreus. but not to the aureus, gonococcus, and others. The spectacle of various equally renowned surgeons advocating diverse treatments of in- fected wounds is more intelligible when we reflect on the well known idiosyncrasies of anti- septics, the personal equations of the surgeons, the cleansing of the wound common to all these methods, and so Online Cialis Forum on. No one denies that excel- lent results are obtained by the Carrel-Dakin method, but whether or not its meticulousness is justifiable, when such excellent results are re- ported from far simpler methods, is another question. .\ NEW WAY TO COLLECT OLD DEBTS. Litigation invariably Online Cialis Forum engenders ill will. The man sued and the man suing are sure to leave the court dissatisfied and at enmity whatever the verdict. Law, like war, hurts both sides. There- fore, it is wise to follow the advice of Abraham Lincoln: "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them, how the nominal winner is often a real loser, in fees, e.xpenses, and waste of time." Realizing these facts the judges of the munici- pal court of the Citj' of New York have devised a scheme for conciliation and arbitration which will undoubtedly commend itself to many physi- cians as being preferable to the ordinary pro- cesses of law for the collection of debts due them. There is probably no class of professional men whose Online Cialis Forum proportion of losses by bad debts is so high as that of the physician. The man who can collect fifty per cent, of the debts due him feels that he is doing fairly well and the one who can increase the collections to seventy-five per cent, is quite proitd and haughty about it. Even where the percentages of collections run higher than this, the physician himself generally does not get any more than the proportion named, the difference going into Online Cialis Forum collection fees. Therefore, the scheme for conciliation and arbitration should appeal very strongl}^ to physicians. Under the rules adopted by the Online Cialis Forum justices the person desiring the Online Cialis Forum services Online Cialis Forum of a justice for conciliation may apply to the clerk in his district for the issuance of a note of conciliation. This notice will state the sum involved and request the appearance of the debtor at the Online Cialis Forum court at a stated time "for the purpose of an amicable adjustment of the Online Cialis Forum con- troversy." The parties to the controversy are received by the justice in his private office, are heard informally, the justice explains the law in the case, and makes some suggestion for a set- tlement which may not even be in strict con- formity with law. If the parties agree upon a settlement the clerk makes a record of the agree- ment and the matter ends, without cost to either party for court or attorney's fees. An arbitra- tion is conducted in the same way except that prior to beginning an arbitration both parties specifically agree to abide by the decision of the justice, whereas in a conciliation no such agree- ment is made in advance, the parties to the con- troversy reserving the right to accept or reject the decision of the justice Online Cialis Forum as they deem best. In either case the parties to the controversy may select the particular justice before whom they