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with the habit of experienced connoisseurs of wines. who allow the latter to come in contact with all parts of the buccal mucosa before swallowing them. 315 Secoxd Avexue. WHEN SEDATIVES ARE TOXIC. By William Francis Waugh, A.M., M IX, Chicago. Professor of Therapeutics. Bennett Medical College (Loyola University). The indurated view of very many physicians is that sedatives are debilitating agents, and their ad- ministration is always attended by a reduction of the patient's strength and power" of resisting the noxious influence of disease. Hence. I have heard men in good standing assert that they do not use drugs except tonics ; believing that disease is es- sentially weakening, and that when a person is ai ing he necessarily requires strengthening treatmen > While this is true, it is only so in a general sensi and Ordering Cialis Online Canada to comprehend the question we must go muc more deeply into its merits. Disease is always coir plex, Ordering Cialis Online Canada never so simple and primary as his view woul indicate. In the Clinical Journal for April 2, 1909, Bonne calls attention to an illustration of this principle Women attending the gynaecological clinics nearl always complain of Ordering Cialis Online Canada "weakness." Men with simii lar complaints respond favorably to strychnine, ai acid, and a bitter stomachic. The result of treat ment along this line in gynecological cases is in variably disappointing ; the patient does not im prove, or becomes distinctly worse. But when thi bromides are substituted, the patient invariably de clares that she feels herself much stronger. Dr Bonney attributes the sense of weakness here t excessive irritability of the nervous system, tht steadying of which by the bromides immediateh produces a sense of "feeling stronger." Many times Ordering Cialis Online Canada I have made the same observation but in Ordering Cialis Online Canada most cases the relief followed much smalk: doses of bromide than are Ordering Cialis Online Canada usually employed. Thest patients are frequently drenched with these debili- tating agents until they are veritable drug fiends their nervous system never being allowed to reaci from the sedation. Five grains of sodium bromidt repeated hourly for three doses, but no more, and not that if relief comes with two doses, or one. give finer results than excessive bromism. The "deranged physiology-" here presents the clin- ical picture of erethi^n. I purposely employ this term instead of pathology, because I wish to em- phasize the need of studying such cases from the standpoint of deranged vital function rather than Ordering Cialis Online Canada from the hopeless one of the autopsy findings. In this hyperassthetic condition we denominate erethism, the morbid impressibility is such that com- paratively slight irritations will induce Ordering Cialis Online Canada a discharge of nerve force, and the patient is never able to ac- cumulate a store of forces. She is always ex- hausted, always prostrated, always ready to go off into a paroxysm of excitement at the slightest ex- cuse. There is a leakage of nerve force somewhere along the line. Here we must do justice to the work of Gould, who has stated in his graphic manner, with the em- phasis that attracts Ordering Cialis Online Canada attention and carries conviction. the immediate part played in such cases by eye strain. The human eye is compelled to do thous- ands of times more duty than when the man was in a state of nature, and the effects of any delect in the ocular apparatus are correspondingly multiplied. But the eye is onh- one part of the body, and is in- fluenced by the condition of every other part ; while defects of other apparatus as well as of the eye may induce the nerve leakage. I have "cured" erethism by removing foreign bodies from the ear, sebaceous cysts from the scalp, hopelessly diseased tonsils, nasopharyngeal adenoids, tight prepuces, dilating spastic anal sphincters, removing carious teeth and corns, and by many other little attentions to blem- ishes that could by no means be traced as the direct causes of the ailments. There is another matter too vital to be ignored— RUDIS-JICLXSKY: ROENTGEX RAY IN CAXCER. 173 sexual sphere fills with woman a verv much er Ordering Cialis Online Canada share of her life than with men. or that men usually aware of. When Byron said : — Man's love is of man's life a thing apart : — Tis woman's whole existence," jave utterance to a truth whose physiological ificance he probably Ordering Cialis Online Canada did not begin to appreciate, nan's instincts, her physical and moral nature, sr in maternity. Perfect contentment is dis- ed by the mother whose babe nurses at hei- st while she feels absolutely secure in the caro protection of her chosen mate. Here we see a it)" indeed holy to every right minded man. But ,- mating is not thus perfect, and we find if we- re closely that some women are irritated and led by the too frequent calls of their mates, or be unfortunate results of mismating, which s a bodily function excited to activity and un- •cd. In such instances the effects of moderate ide medication are gratifying, and the saving ital expenditure allows the accumulation of • forces. fortunately our tendency to specialize is such hcse of us who begin to realize the importance is matter are quite as apt as the ophthalmolo- to see nothing else. Ordering Cialis Online Canada \'er\- probably we who so strenuously urged the importance of fa;cal nia as reactmg on local maladies, mav be ed to fall into the same error. \\'e surely have iison to arrogate infallibility to ourselves — but be content in believing that if we must be fad- there is no other fad as yet advanced that is