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the uniformity of results in Ordering Cialis Online Safe permanently lowering the temperature in all cases, that the thymol treat- ment was of benefit. If this benefit resulted from a destruction of the intestinal forms of trichina one would have to conclude that these, rather than the young migrating forms, were responsible for the temperature. I'^ollowing the thymol treatment stool specimens from all patients were examined, but no trichin;e were found. SUMMARY. 1. There were twelve cases of trichinosis in a family Ordering Cialis Online Safe of thirteen members, the nursing baby being the only one not affected. 2. The infection was due to eating partially cooked pork, and in two cases to eating uncooked sausage. 3. The degree of illness was most severe in the older children who had unrestricted access to the sausage. 4. The symptoms of muscle involvement were typical in those severely affected. 5. Eosinophilia was most pronounced in those Ordering Cialis Online Safe in the early stages of muscle involvement. 6. In the gross the pork was suspicious of trichi- nosis, and on microscopical investigation trichina- were found. Value of the Wassermann Reaction. — Douglas Symmers, Charles Ci. Darlington, and Helen Bitt- man [Journal A. M. A., Eebruary 2, 1918) point out that the value of the Wassermann reaction has been called into question by a number of observers. An effort was therefore made to compare the re- sults of this reaction, as carried out with both cholesterin and crude alcoholic antigens, with the results of post mortem examinations. Every i>re- caution was taken to make the observations as ac- curate as possible and due allowances were made for possible errors. The remaining ninety-nine cases, after excluding all negative at post mortem and to Wassermann, gave the following restilts Among the cases in which the characteristic ana- tomical evidences of syphilis were present at necropsy the Wassermann reaction was found to be negative during life in from thirty-one to fifty-six per cent., depending on the antigen employed. On the other hand, the reaction was positive in at least thirty per cent, of cases in which no anatomic:-.! lesions of syphilis were found post mortem. 444 JAHSS: FFOrdering Cialis Online Safe the i)atient makes an attempt to secure a fixed ])oint and accomplishes this end by tihiiig the ])elvis upwartl on the side of the brace until the lower ed.ge of the appliance rests on the crest of the ilium. Ill order to overcome these Ordering Cialis Online Safe deficiencies a brace was devised which has jiroved highly efficient. The crests of the ili;i were taken as fixed points. .\ cel- luloid belt was made from a plaster mould stretchins; from a ]u)int about one. to two inches in front of